Change your search
Change your life

Download free IJS Bingo Card

The Intentional Job Search Bingo card is a tool, a focus aid for your job search. I hope you enjoy using it, and I would love to hear how it is changing your search. I offer a class to provide you with the supportive knowledge and coaching to use all the parts of the tool, and coaching to soak in the benefits of its use.

Your Invitation

Watch this video to learn more about the Intentional Job Search class.

Whether you are a college student or experienced professional,
this course might be just what you need to refresh and rejuvenate your job search!



“I struggled to stay positive with all the highs and lows of my job search. I wasn’t spending any time on my personal growth, either. Taking the IJS class has given me a simple way to bring focus and intent to my days and has reignited my personal growth.”

Brent P.