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β€œThis class was exactly what I needed to get back on my feet mentally and always remember that I am bigger than this situation.”
-Carter H

Take the class now. Learn the standard work, tools, and mindset of an intentional job search.

Download the free Intentional Job Search Bingo card now.

β€œHow do you do it?”
β€œDo what? I’m still unemployed, remember?”
ow do you stay positive? You have a lot of reasons to be angry and disappointed, and yet you seem so resilient and focused."

β€œWhat I’m learning is not just about my job search. It’s about how I want to live my wild and precious life.”

β€œI was struggling to stay positive and motivated in my job search. So may ups and downs, and unpleasant moments! Taking the IJS class gave me an easy way to focus and make sure I’m taking care of myself, too.”
-Eda B.

Work with me.

I offer executive and leadership coaching, and life coaching. Wherever you are on the journey of your wild and precious life, there is always hope, and always a way forward. Let’s work together, so that you can reach your full potential.


Contact Me About Coaching

Nice to meet you!

Hi, I’m Janel Van Beek. I am an executive and life coach. I help people build resilience, and grow to reach their full potential in business and life. I am a yoga instructor and endurance athlete. I have raced nine Ironman triathlons and many other middle distance events.

More about me

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